Following the 2018 call for projects, The Fondation Villa Seurat pour l’Art contemporain received 125 applications. We thank all artists who have expressed interest in that call for project. The competition was of a very high level. It showed the infinite creativity and the implication of artists towards a better integration of vulnerable persons.
The jury, Gérard Alary, Domitille d’Orgeval, Lise-Laure Etia, Thierry Forien, Joelle Pijaudier (whose biographies are available here) selected the laureates in three steps. Unanimously, the following projects were selected :
- Thilleli Rahmoun, for a project with children in Santa Cruz (on the Medellin hights), Columbia, in coordination with the NGO Grandir ensemble;
- Jeanne Susplugas, for a project with the association Elle’s imagine’nt titled “Support Group”;
- A collective of four visual artists, Virginie Barbieri, Héloïse Dravigney, Mélanie Perrard and Laura Perron, for a project titled “Paysages” with migrants in cooperation with the Diaconat in Bordeaux;
- A collective composed of a choreographer, Emmanuelle Rigaud, a visual artist, Catherine Aznar and a film director, Chrystel Jubien, for a project titled “La danse de l’air” with women inmates;
- Diego Ortiz, for a project titled “Des objets et des ombres”, with visually impaired persons in coordination with the Union nationale des Aveugles et Déficients visuels.
The Foundation Villa Seurat’s Board of Directors wishes to thank whole-heartedly the members of the Jury for their most diligent work and their attentive interest towards all applications received.
The Board congratulates the winners whose projects were selected. We are committed to help them all for the good completion of the projects. The presentation to the public of the projects when fully realized should be done in the second quarter of 2019.